Shipping & Handling

JULY 27-28, 2023 - MONTEREY, CA

Plan Your Shipment

Review this information BEFORE you package/ship your product to the show.

  1. Determine when and where booth materials and product will be sent. Review the exhibitor schedule for specific dates and times for move-in and move-out. The expo is on Friday, July 28 so plan your shipment dates accordingly.
  2. Use the chart below to determine the most economical way to have materials/perishable product delivered to your booth.
    Freight Type Dates Accepted Handling Charges
    Advance Warehouse June 26 - July 25
    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    Booth Materials Only
    $90 per hundred weight*
    Shrink wrap/palletize all boxes
    View Label
    Direct to Show-Site

    July 26 - July 27
    8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    & July 28
    8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    July 27
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    & July 28
    8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Booth Materials:
    $90 per hundred weight*
    View Label

    Perishable Product:

    $70 per hundred weight if packed separately from booth materials
    (includes deliver to/from cold storage to your booth)
    age to your booth)
    View Label
    Cartload Service July 27 - July 28 One cartload:
    8 pieces or less, under 200 lbs, one way from vehicle to booth: $65
    Small Packages July 27 - July 28 UPS/FedEx packages of less than 45 lbs:
    $40 per package (Tricord will deliver to booth)
    *100 pound minimum for all material handling charges
  3. Submit the material handling cost estimate form to Tricord

  4. If you are sending product to the caterer for sample food preparation DO NOT mix it with product that you need in your booth - additional labor charges will apply. Package and label the catering product separately, so it can go directly to the venue’s catering receiving dock.

  5. Use appropriate shipping labels (below) for the type of product being shipped and necessary storage.

  6.  Use your own shipping provider or have Tricord ship for you.

  7.  Provide your shipping carrier with the delivery map so they know exactly where your shipment needs to go.  There are different drop off locations at the conference center depending on your booth location.

  8. Don't forget to plan for your outbound shipment as well. Complete the Outbound Shipping Form to receive out-bound bills of lading at the close of the show. Remember, with the expo on Friday, your outbound shipment will need to leave by Saturday.

Refrigerated Storage

If you need assistance with pre-show storage of perishable products or sourcing your product locally, please make arrangements with the recommended produce supplier. 

On-site refrigerated storage is available at no charge, compliments of Boskovich Farms, Inc. No reservation is required. Review the delivery map and times for perishable product in advance. 

Stored items will automatically be delivered Friday morning, unless you notify the exhibitor services desk otherwise. 

Product left in the refrigerated trailer after 3:00 p.m. will be donated to the food bank unless alternate arrangements are made at the exhibitor service desk. 

Shipping Labels

Always label each and every box in your shipment individually. Sometimes pallets are broken down in the shipping process, so if this happens your boxes will still make it to the correct booth. 

  • Booth Materials Shipping Labels
  • Cold Storage Shipping Label
    • Perishable Products - Cold Storage- Label 
      Use this label to ship perishable products that need to be held in cold storage before getting delivered to your booth. Products should arrive between July 27-28. Stored items will automatically be delivered Friday morning, unless you notify the exhibitor services desk otherwise. Complimentary refrigerated storage is provided by Boskovich for all exhibitors.

      DO NOT, send products directly to the venues. They do not have sufficient storage space to guarantee safe handling of your product. Do Not send product for sampling that is meant for the caterer using this label.

  • Catering Shipping Labels 
    If the catering company is preparing samples for your booth, they will send you a specific exhibitor catering label to use once your order has been placed. 

Reminder: Do not send product to be used by the caterer with other fresh product intended for your booth. Failure to separate the product will result in misdirected, misplaced or lost product. Neither IFPA show management, Tricord, nor the catering companies will be responsible for improperly labeled, shipped or misdirected product.



Kyle McMilan

Kyle McMillan

Director, Trade Shows
International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 607-2130
Nancy Pickersgill

Nancy Pickersgill

Trade Show Coordinator
International Fresh Produce Association

+1 (302) 781-5857