JUNE 10-12, 2024 | Washington DC

The Washington Conference

The Washington Conference is the premier event that unites all segments of the fresh produce and floral industry to address the most pressing urgent public policy matters with the U.S. Congress and Administration. 


Why Attend?

No business is immune to legislative, regulatory, and political challenges. No event empowers you to overcome these challenges and flourish, like produce’s most influential public policy event. 

Who Attends?

Engage with hundreds throughout the produce supply chain, including industry leaders, policy experts, legislative staff and more, at the only event that unites the industry in D.C. 

Advocate For

Creating a stable workforce, prioritizing food safety, improving nutrition and growing fresh consumption, expanding access to global trade, building a better Farm Bill, and more.

Top Reasons to Attend

  • Fight for the Issues that Affect Your Business
    Fresh produce workforce, food safety, nutrition and growing consumption, infrastructure and transportation, organics and sustainability and climate are all priority issues important to our members and set the course for IFPA’s advocacy in our Nation’s Capital.
  • Take to Capitol Hill
    The Washington Conference would not be complete without our annual March on Capitol Hill. You will be joined by industry colleagues to share YOUR story with Members of Congress.
  • Get in Policy Shape at our Advocacy Boot Camp
    Designed for first-time Washington Conference attendees, grassroots members and anyone looking to refresh their advocacy skills, this bootcamp will provide the skills and confidence needed to engage with key legislators.
  • Show Off the Industry
    Joy of Fresh on Capitol Hill is back! Join us on Capitol Hill Wednesday night for a fun and exciting reception on Capitol hill where we will share our industry’s bounty with Members of Congress and their teams.
  • Hear it Here First
    We include some of the most important policy makers that are making a difference in Washington, DC on issues that are important to our industry.
  • Strengthen IFPA’s political power through FreshPAC
    One of the most important tools for IFPA is our FreshPAC. Funds contributed to our political efforts help the industry elect and re-elect pro-produce candidates and supports Members of Congress who support the fresh fruit, vegetable, and floral industry.

Join Our Fight for Fresh at The Washington Conference

Driving Policy, Expanding Markets and Removing Barriers to Access to Increase Consumption

A ball room full of conference attendees listening to the session "Coffee with the Chair".

A woman holding a microphone addresses a question during a Washington Conference session.

A group of Washington Conference attendees pose for a picture on steps of the U.S. Capitol building.

Six people sit around the desk in a private office at the Washington Conference in an intense discussion.

Two men and two women in a conversation in a private office during the Washington Conference.

An outside display featuring fresh produce. To the side of the produce is a board announcing IFPA's 2023 Retail Produce Manager Award winners.

Nine Washington Conference attendees sit around a conference table in discussion. The walls are covered with full bookcases.

A group of nine Washington Conference attendees pose for a picture in a conference room. Behind the group is a picture of a mountain.

A group of Washington Conference attendees enjoy cocktails with the Washington Monument in the background.

Grand Hyatt Washington

1000 H St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

What attendees are saying

Marissa Dake headshot"It's been really powerful to see that lawmakers need our nuanced understanding of how produce works, how the produce supply chain works and how produce fits into the larger agricultural space. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and lawmakers really need our informed perspective in order to make smart decisions on Capitol Hill"
Marissa Dake, DNO Produce

JC Sunfed headshot"You got to go! It's an amazing event. It's a great opportunity to network with your industry peers, bond together on the same issues, meet your Congressmen, go to Capitol Hill, share your stories about fresh produce and leave this city with a whole lot of energy around the most important topics shaping fresh produce consumption."
J.C. Myers, SunFed Produce

Have any questions regarding this event?

Angela Tiwari

Angela Tiwari

Director, Grassroots & Political Affairs

International Fresh Produce Association


Interested in Sponsoring?

Erin Hutchison

Erin Hutchison

Sales Account Manager, Trade Shows

International Fresh Produce Association
